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General Instructions to use OER in classrooms

This manual gives an insight on how to use OER inside a classroom. Integrating technology in classroom with correct pedagogical input can lead to a more engaging learning environment. The objective is to ensure usage and outreach of open educational resources amongst teachers, educators & practitioners in classrooms. In order to ensure the same a brief guide to use this manual has been put forward.

We have first of all listed out all the learning outcomes in the book which have been mapped with relevant chapters. A learning outcome and curriculum template in the manual under the heading ‘Learning outcome wise mapping of chapters’ illustrates this mapping.

The manual then proceeds with the chapters as mentioned in the table of contents. The open educational resource has been mapped on the basis of 5E instructional model

To know more about 5E instruction, click here .
These links have been assigned a unique code so that you can easily find them in the repository of content. In the offline OER module, all video content has been put in a pen drive. In order to identify the file location, we can do the following:

1. This PC
2. External USB
3. OER content
4. Subject (Hindi, English, Maths)
5.Grade (1-5)

For e.g If you choose English and then select Grade 2, you will find the list of chapters in the book. If you select chapter 4, you will find all the videos related to chapter 4 categorized under the 5E process. The unique code generated for every video has been named using the following structure.

Class/Subject/Chapter/E (1-5)/(a,b,c..)
2       E       04       E1       A

The unique code hence generated for this video shall be: 2/E/04/E1/A

This code shall help you locate your video in the repository easily. Teachers can add more videos from different OER portals and generate this unique code for further usage. We hope this guide helps you introduce OER content in your classrooms efficiently. The E5 process caters to evaluation and a set of questions have been put under this section which you can use when you finish teaching the content.