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This brochure documents the presentations made in the course of the workshop “Way forward in Education through technology” which took place at Yojna Bhawan, Lucknow on November 2nd, 2018. HCL Foundation in partnership with Basic Education Dept., Govt. Uttar Pradesh had organized a workshop on- “Way forward in Education through Technology”. The idea behind this workshops was to strengthen content delivery mechanism by bridging it with technology in order to improve learning outcomes and retention level of students in primary schools. This workshop was chaired by Dr Prabhat Kumar (IAS), Additional Chief Secretary – Basic Education, GoUP and Mr Sarvendra Vikram Singh, Director. Basic Education, GoUP. Key officials from Basic Education department and teachers / principals/ BSAs from aspirational districts of Uttar Pradesh had also participated for learning and experience sharing . The context setting for the workshop along with situational analysis of learning acheivements in Uttar Pradesh was presented

by Mr. Sarvendra Vikram Bahadur Singh, Director, Basic Education, Government of Uttar Pradesh followed by a panel discussion which focused on the following areas:

  • Enhancing learning outcomes through ICT in education,
  • Role of teachers in enhancing, teaching and learning through technology
  • Enabling environment for technology in education

The role of teachers is crucial here along with district administration and project initiatives such as Samuday. And a change has been seen where the focus has shifted to quality education. However, what is remarkable here is that this process has started from within and has shown its impact with a drastic change in enrolment.

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As per a situational analysis of enrolment numbers, back in 2016 the enrolment figure was 1.52 crore all across the state for both primary and upper primary schools. Before 2016, the state witnessed a downfall of 22 lakh students in the last five years due to migration from government to private schools. In the last one year prior to 2016, the state lost 5 lakh students and this became a matter of grave concern for the state.

Collective actions, agendas & initiatives like School Chalo Abhiyan came into limelight along with the idea of digitalized classrooms thereby showing a ‘trend reversal’ in the subsequent year leading to an increase of 2 lakhs students bringing the total enrollment figure of 2017 to 1.54 crores.

The enrolment figure of the current academic year is 1.57 crores and is a remarkable growth in terms of impact that has been created in the state and the efforts of teachers in order to bring this kind of change is commendable.

Collective actions, agendas & initiatives like School Chalo Abhiyan came into limelight along with the idea of digitalized classrooms thereby showing a ‘trend reversal’ in the subsequent year leading to an increase of 2 lakhs students bringing the total enrollment figure of 2017 to 1.54 crores. The enrolment figure of the current academic year is 1.57 crores and is a remarkable growth in terms of impact that has been created in the state and the efforts of teachers in order to bring this kind of change is commendable.